3 New Publications (CHI 2014 Workshop & WIPs)

image_previewYesterday was the announcement of accepted Extended Proceedings for the ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), which I had two WIP papers and one workshop position paper accepted. This year’s conference is in Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre between April 26th and May 1st.

The Work In Progress (WIPs) this year had a 49% acceptance rate. Of my two papers accepted, the first is a WIP for my final study for my thesis project.

Video Preview of the Conference:

The first WIP is titled:

Mobile Payment Systems in North America: User Challenges & Successes

Abstract: As smartphones continue to increase in popularity in North America so too does the opportunity to expand their use and functionality. Our study looks at one of these new opportunities, Mobile Payment Services (MPSs). This study investigates user behaviours, motivations and first impressions of MPS in Canada and the United States through interviews with veteran users and interviews and diaries with new users. Participants used a variety of MPSs, including: Google Wallet, Amazon Payments, LevelUp, Square and company apps geared towards payments (e.g., Starbucks). Our preliminary findings are presented as user successes and challenges.

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The second WIP is titled:

The Informatics Needs of Amateur Endurance Athletic Coaches

Abstract: Personal informatics applications are increasingly available for amateur endurance athletes to record and monitor their performance and training. This information can be valuable for coaches who tailor training programs based on this data. Despite this, it is not clear if the information provided by such tools map to the real needs of the amateur athletic community. To address this, we conducted interviews with eight amateur athletic coaches of endurance athletes. Our results show that athlete-specific contextual factors can be important to track and monitor in relation to performance-based metrics. This information can be difficult to capture, analyze, and share. This suggests design opportunities for personal informatics applications for amateur athletes and coaches.

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The third accepted paper was a workshop position paper, which also focused on my thesis project. This paper included all three studies I have completed around ubi-commerce and the user experience and was submitted to the CHI2014 workshop on Financial Interactions, Digital Cash, Capital Exchange and Mobile Money (#CHImoney). The paper focuses on UX findings around Mobile Payment Systems, Social Commerce and Mobile Commerce and is titled:

Towards Ubiquitous Commerce: New Commerce, Behaviours & Routines

Abstract: eCommerce has dramatically changed over the last several years with the increased adoption of smart phones and social networking, leaving a gap of knowledge around what these changes mean to—and how they affect—the user and their experiences. To address this gap, we collected empirical evidence through three studies. The first looks at mobile web commerce, and focuses heavily on the issue of trust. The second looks at group shopping sites, an example of social commerce. Finally, the third study investigates mobile payment services and user challenges and successes. While each study has introduced specific design implications, together we hope to expand the work in traditional eCommerce to include social and mobile aspects and thus contribute new knowledge towards a more ubiquitous commerce (ubi-commerce) experience.