Advanced SEO Round Table

SES San Jose 2009 Review:
Advanced SEO Round Table

Search heavy weights gathered for the advanced SEO round table session.
The panel consisted of:
Richard Zwicky, Founder & CEO, Enquisite
Matthew Bailey, SES Advisory Board & President, Site Logic Marketing
Bruce Clay, President, Bruce Clay, Inc
Mike Grehan, SES Advisory Board Co-Chair
Todd Friesen, VP Search, Position Technologies
Todd Malicoat, Independent Search Engine Marketing Consultant, stuntdubl

One of the very first questions was about the never ending sega of Paid Links in competitive verticals. They answered simply by stating: “if you are going to do it, do it smart” and “you can’t bring a sword to a gun fight.”

When asked about Bing and Yahoo’s partnership the panel expressed genuine excitement about Bings ability to now acquire the historical data from Yahoo as well as an advanced algorithm they have developed over the years. The panel even compared Bings current algorithm to Google’s level in 1998.

Below are 3 video’s that I feel captured 3 other very important SEO topics. It should be noted that the panel was asked their thoughts on Caffeine and no one had an opinion as of yet.

Panel’s answer to using nofollow:

Panel’s answer to page sculpting:

Panel’s answer to the dreaded local search box: