The spring 2014 SFU convocation was last Friday. Here are some pics from the event: Read more →
Category: Events
DIS & MobileHCI 2014: Summer Publications
This summer I will be attending both DIS 2014 (ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems) and MobileHCI 2014 (ACM conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services) to present some of my latest research. DIS is coming up soon, June 21-25th in Vancouver and Mobile HCI is September 23-27 in Toronto. At DIS I will be presenting a full paper… Read more →
Lunch at Nuytco Research
Spent an amazing lunch at Nuytco Research in North Vancouver. Thanks to my good buddy Jeff for showing me around. Read more →
Meeting with UX Royalty and RVing in France
Back from an amazing time in France. What could be better than attending CHI and presenting to an auditorium filled with people you admire and look up to? Really the only answer is traveling around France in an RV for 10 days. After a wonderful 5 days attending CHI 2013 in Paris and presenting my work on social commerce to… Read more →
It was a very busy February with CHI WIP submissions/notification and GRAND 2013happenings. GRAND is the fourth annual digital media conference, taking place May 14-16, 2013, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (read more about it below). Our accepted CHI WIP was primary authored by Erick Oduor, a PhD student who is also a member of cLab at SFU. His… Read more →
CHI 2013 Acceptance or cLab Invades Paris
Very excited that my work on Group Shopping Sites has been accepted to CHI2013. Overall 1963 papers and notes were submitted and 20% were accepted–providing lots of reason to celebrate. The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference on human-computer interaction and is April 27 – May 2, 2013 in Paris, France. The paper… Read more →