Category: Online Marketing

Do Our Websites Need to be More Snackable?

Last Wednesday’s SIAT Research Colloquium was presented by Dr. Drew Davidson, from the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University. He reviewed concepts around video games in a world without secrets and snackable gaming; what these theories mean in terms of the design of a game and game-play mechanics. Dr. Davidson explains the term snackability, first coined around the concept… Read more →

IMC Vancouver 2010: The Line-up!

With just over a month away, IMC Vancouver 2010 is just finalizing the last speakers/presenters. The event seems to be forming as an IMC highlight event with its “crazy strong” line-up including a keynote address from illustrious Guy Kawasaki. IMC reports the keynote and focus of the conference will be “Simple Marketing”. Read more →

F5 Expo: Search Marketing in 2010 Session

The Search Marketing in 2010 session included the following panelists (left to right): Martin Stoddart, Senior Product Manager at Bing Vanessa Wynn-Williams, Associate Marketing Manager at Yahoo! Canada Ryan Kelly, Founder and CEO at Pear Analytics Read more →

Vancouver’s F5 Expo: Refreshing Business Stratagies

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the F5 expo in Vancouver. The event is produced by Lindsay Smith, the CEO and founder of Massive Media Inc. A company usually synonymous with fun tech socials in Vancouver. The conceptual inspiration of expo is a play on “F5 key”, thus dubbed: Refreshing Business Strategies. Lindsay has always had a knack Read more →

Computer Generated Eye Tracking using Artificial Intelligence

This is cool. One of my final project ideas for my Artificial Intelligence class was to recreate expensive and cumbersome human eye tracking with Artificial Intelligence, specifically a Neural Network. Much to my chagrin, with a little Googling I find out it has already been done and done quite well: Read more →

How to Prepare for the Future of Search

SES San Jose 2009 Review: Morning Keynote: How to Prepare for the Future of Search Bright and early Thursday morning co-author of Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies, Charlene Li took to the stage to review her suggestions on how to prepare for the future of search. Starting with the past she showed the audience what Google… Read more →