Very excited that my work on Group Shopping Sites has been accepted to CHI2013. Overall 1963 papers and notes were submitted and 20% were accepted–providing lots of reason to celebrate. The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference on human-computer interaction and is April 27 – May 2, 2013 in Paris, France.
The paper looks at the social behaviours of group shopping site users and the makeup of their shopping networks. Main findings showed a strong need for users to not only connect socially but use these sites to create an identity. The camera ready full paper will be available January 20th.
Also another paper I was 4th author on was also accepted. The first author, Carolyn Pang, a fellow member of Simon Fraser University’s Connections Lab, will also be presenting at the conference. Her paper is titled, “Technology Preferences and Routines for Sharing Health Information during the Treatment of a Chronic Illness”. Congrats Carolyn!
Paris, ici nous venons! Let the Rosetta Stone lessons begin!
Final paper can be viewed here: The Social Practices of User Networks Within Group Shopping Sites
Video Preview: CHI-video-final