On September 2nd and 3rd I will be in Mountain View and Sunnyvale to present my research at both Yahoo! and Google. I have not been to either campuses before, so I am excited to not only present, but get a tour of the facilities. If you are in the area and want to meetup, send me a tweet @drinkthecoolaid. On the 2nd I will be presenting my Ph.D. work on mobile commerce, social commerce and mobile payment systems. Here is the official title and abstract for this talk:
Title: Trust Concerns and Social Challenges for New Commerce
Mobile devices have rapidly proliferated in adoption and usage. Within this space, one area that has been greatly influenced is eCommerce. eCommerce has dramatically changed over the last several years, leaving a gap of knowledge around what these changes mean to—and how they affect—the user and their experiences. To address this gap, I collected empirical evidence through three studies. The first looks at mobile web commerce, and focuses heavily on the issue of trust. The second looks at group shopping sites, an example of social commerce. The third study investigates mobile payment and user challenges and successes. I will be discussing how each study introduces specific design implications and together, expands extant work in traditional eCommerce to include social and mobile aspects. Following this, I will briefly discuss other projects I have worked on in the area of social computing.
On the 3rd I will be presenting my past work on Tumblr, as well as an Tumblr dashboard application we are currently working on. Here is the official title and abstract for this talk:
Title: The Appropriations of Tumblr by Fandoms
Over the last several years social networking sites have continued to increase in both adoption and usage. Within this space, one area which has been a focus is the use of social networking sites as a second screen for TV viewers. We conducted a study on Tumblr fandoms and from these findings designed a system for gauging TV show viewership. In this talk, I first present the study, detailing our findings around Tumblr fandom community and culture. Then, I present a system design for a Tumblr management dashboard – tApp. Overall, I will be discussing how Tumblr UI issues overall strengthen the social network and how Tumblr data has the potential to unlock new ways to understand TV show viewers.
I will be working hard to either get the talks accessible either live or recorded. Stay tuned!