After 4 and a half years of studying at Simon Fraser University I finally defended my Doctoral thesis and it was most certainly an experience I will never forget and well worth the journey. Read more →
Tag: eCommerce
Date Set! Thesis defense March 12th
The date is finally set for the defense of my thesis, Social Issues, Behaviours and Routines of Ubiquitous Commerce users in North America. The defense will take place at the SFU Surrey Campus on March 12th, the event will start with a 20 minute presentation of my work, followed by questions from my examining committee. The dissertation encompasses work I… Read more →
3 New Publications (CHI 2014 Workshop & WIPs)
Yesterday was the announcement of accepted Extended Proceedings for the ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), which I had two WIP papers and one workshop position paper accepted. This year’s conference is in Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre between April 26th and May 1st. The Work In Progress (WIPs) this year had a 49% acceptance rate. Of my… Read more →
CHI 2013 Video Teeser *Shared Joy is Double Joy*
Video teeser describing the paper, “Shared Joy is Double Joy” The Social Practices of User Networks within Group Shopping Sites. The paper will be presented at ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2013, in Paris this spring. Read more →
CHI 2013 Acceptance or cLab Invades Paris
Very excited that my work on Group Shopping Sites has been accepted to CHI2013. Overall 1963 papers and notes were submitted and 20% were accepted–providing lots of reason to celebrate. The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference on human-computer interaction and is April 27 – May 2, 2013 in Paris, France. The paper… Read more →
Leveraging Community to Build your Brand
IMC 2010 Session Recap: Leverage the Power of the Community to Build your Brand Presented by: Nathalie Baudoin How, on behalf of the community, can we create a strong brand? MEC Background: Conceived by a small group of Canadian climbers in 1971 in Vancouver Today the largest outdoor community in Canada 14 stores 3.2 million membership 1500 staff 1 million online… Read more →