Tag: social commerce

Fall 2014 Upcoming Talks: Google and Yahoo!

On September 2nd and 3rd I will be in Mountain View and Sunnyvale to present my research at both Yahoo! and Google. I have not been to either campuses before, so I am excited to not only present, but get a tour of the facilities. If you are in the area and want to meetup, send me a tweet @drinkthecoolaid. On… Read more →

Date Set! Thesis defense March 12th

The date is finally set for the defense of my thesis, Social Issues, Behaviours and Routines of Ubiquitous Commerce users in North America.  The defense will take place at the SFU Surrey Campus on March 12th, the event will start with a 20 minute presentation of my work, followed by questions from my examining committee. The dissertation encompasses work I… Read more →