On September 2nd and 3rd I will be in Mountain View and Sunnyvale to present my research at both Yahoo! and Google. I have not been to either campuses before, so I am excited to not only present, but get a tour of the facilities. If you are in the area and want to meetup, send me a tweet @drinkthecoolaid. On… Read more →
Tag: User Experience
Dissertation Delightfully Defended
After 4 and a half years of studying at Simon Fraser University I finally defended my Doctoral thesis and it was most certainly an experience I will never forget and well worth the journey. Read more →
Date Set! Thesis defense March 12th
The date is finally set for the defense of my thesis, Social Issues, Behaviours and Routines of Ubiquitous Commerce users in North America. The defense will take place at the SFU Surrey Campus on March 12th, the event will start with a 20 minute presentation of my work, followed by questions from my examining committee. The dissertation encompasses work I… Read more →
UX Magazine Publication
My work in mobile commerce trust and social behaviours has been published in Usability Professionals Association’s UX Magazine. The article reviews an empirical diary study published in September of this year. The magazine is published four times a year and this Volume 11, Issue 4 focused on Trust and the User. The publication is view-able here. In this issue featured articles included: Trusting Inaccurate Systems: Both… Read more →
Paper Accepted to CSCW 2013
Happy to report our paper How and Why Teenagers Use Video Chat, was accepted as a full paper to the 16th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2013). In February 2013, the paper will be presented at this premier conference by the primary author, Tatiana Buhler in San Antonio, Texas. Our study looks at the role video chat… Read more →
Do you use Groupon or other Group Shopping Sites?
Do you use group shopping sites such as Groupon or LivingSocial? We are interested in understanding group shopping activities more deeply and uncovering what it means to participate in commerce through these websites, eg., Groupon, LivingSocial, ethicalDeal, etc. We will use this knowledge to improve group shopping sites in the future. To be recruited for this study, you must be… Read more →