Tag: UX

Fall 2014 Upcoming Talks: Google and Yahoo!

On September 2nd and 3rd I will be in Mountain View and Sunnyvale to present my research at both Yahoo! and Google. I have not been to either campuses before, so I am excited to not only present, but get a tour of the facilities. If you are in the area and want to meetup, send me a tweet @drinkthecoolaid. On… Read more →

UX Magazine Publication

My work in mobile commerce trust and social behaviours has been published in Usability Professionals Association’s UX Magazine. The article reviews an empirical diary study published in September of this year. The magazine is published four times a year and this Volume 11, Issue 4 focused on Trust and the User. The publication is view-able here. In this issue featured articles included: Trusting Inaccurate Systems: Both… Read more →